Min/Maxing My Internet Provider

How Many ISPs are Actually Selling You the Exact Same Thing?

Sure there are a lot of Internet Service Providers (ISPs), what I want to know is how many of them are actually able to sell me something that is fundamentally different in terms of service and not just marketing and customer support.

My hunch. Say you buy a can of beans for $0.99 cents from BeanBrandCo that offer cheap beans, you notice the nutritional information and ingredients list is EXACTLY the same as “Premium Bean Boys” $3.49 luxury bean mix. Wait were these beans harvested from the same field and packaged in the same factory? Are they just selling one with a fancier marketing label attached and expensive price tag to give you that premium feeling? Maybe.

At the end of the day I don’t know because I am not interested in researching these things. What I can tell you though is that I know that there is a difference (In Australia and New Zealand at least) between who you buy your internet contract from. For example ‘Leaptel’ and who is actually working behind the scenes to get the internet through those digital tubes and into your computer.

The two types of internet sellers in Australia explained

In Australia, there are two main types of internet service providers (ISPs): those that own and operate their own network infrastructure, and those that resell access to other providers’ networks.

  1. Network owners and operators: These ISPs have invested in building and maintaining their own network infrastructure. They have more control over the quality of service and can directly influence factors like speed, reliability, and network capacity. Examples include Telstra, Optus, and TPG (which owns iiNet and Internode).
  2. Resellers: These ISPs purchase wholesale access to network infrastructure from the owners and operators, and then sell internet plans to consumers under their own brand. They have less control over the network’s performance, as they rely on the infrastructure of the network owners. Examples include Dodo, Exetel, and Leaptel.

In the case of Leaptel, as a reseller, their ability to improve your internet speed is limited. They can optimize their own systems and routing to ensure the best possible performance, but ultimately, they are dependent on the network infrastructure they lease from the network owners.

However, resellers like Leaptel can still influence your internet experience by:

  1. Offering plans with different speed tiers and data allowances
  2. Providing good customer support
  3. Optimizing their own network routing and systems
  4. Choosing to resell access from network owners with better infrastructure in your area

In summary, while resellers like Leaptel have some influence over your internet experience, they are limited by the network infrastructure they lease from network owners and operators.

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