Category: Min Maxing

  • Building in Public: The ‘Back to It’ VS Code Extension – Part 1

    Building in Public: The ‘Back to It’ VS Code Extension – Part 1

    As a developer, I’ve often found myself staring at my code, trying to remember where I left off after a lunch break, a weekend, or even just a quick chat with a colleague. This frustrating experience of context loss is not just annoying—it’s a significant drain on productivity. That’s why I decided to create “Back…

  • The Subtract Day: Why Less Code Can Lead to More Success

    Background Ever feel like your codebase is a hoarder’s paradise? You’re not alone. I’ve recently picked up a habit that’s been a game-changer for my projects: the subtract day. It’s exactly what it sounds like – one day a week (or fortnight) where I focus not on adding features, but on subtracting parts of the…

  • How to Fix Your Sleep Cycle

    How to Fix Your Sleep Cycle

    In Short The Current Situation Its not unusual for me to stay up to 1am largely by accident having been gripped by some late night motivation to work on some project, normally on my computer. Its also not unusual for me to wake up somewhere around 9am and feel like right from the get go…

  • Min/Maxing WordPress Hosting

    Min/Maxing WordPress Hosting

    The Challenge Getting as close to completely free self hosted wordpress by combining the cheapest tiers of AWS offerings. I run two WordPress sites, and I thought why not use this as an opportunity to learn somethings about self hosting WordPress. Most importantly I was bound to save money on getting as close…

  • Min/Maxing My Internet Provider

    How Many ISPs are Actually Selling You the Exact Same Thing? Sure there are a lot of Internet Service Providers (ISPs), what I want to know is how many of them are actually able to sell me something that is fundamentally different in terms of service and not just marketing and customer support. My hunch.…

  • Everyone Uses Super Glue Wrong.

    Everyone Uses Super Glue Wrong.

    How to Use Super Glue Properly Things Everyone Should Know About SuperGlueing Why Should I Care? If you are anything like me you probably have just been dumping enough glue to feel like its going to get everywhere (including your hands, somehow always sticking part of your hand to itself) then sort of holding the…

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